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Mission Statement

TRPC provides Education, business process improvements, best practices for roadside safety, and representation to improve the compensation and preparedness for towing, recovery, and specialized transportation industry that employs millions of hard-working professionals.

TRPC Team Accomplishments

1. Hired the best law firm in the state of Connecticut dealing with motor vehicles

2. Negotiated realistic new rates for non-consensual tows under re-regulation.

3. Initiated revisions to the Abandoned Motor Vehicle regulations.

4. Opened channels with the State Police for establishing rotation list requirements and included large number of members in the process.

5. Kept an open-door policy that improved member relations and support, and provided more personal contact between members and the association.

6. Formed a Political Action Committee and drew up a plan for supporting and educating legislators.

7. Conducted driver certification testing sessions for members and tested 2000 drivers.
8. Held Lockout and Chain & Cable seminars in cooperation with AW Direct.
9. Published and distributed TRPC Manuals for members, along with updates.
10. Revised Membership Directory and distributed to all members.
11. Instituted regular support of the Doreset Home.
12. Instituted regular support for the Give 2 the Troops drive.
13. Re-instituted support of Toys for Tots and donated $350 in cash and 190 toys.
14. Arranged with AW Direct for programs providing rebate to TRPC.
15. 2008 Vendors Night a record success.
16. Due to teamwork and member support, the monthly raffle has “exploded”.
PO Box 476
Unionville, CT 06085
© 2025
Towing and Recovery Professionals
of Connecticut.
All Rights Reserved.
TRPC Contact
Mobile: 860-250-9837